DEKK Instagram page!

Welcome the Newest Member of the Sales Team

Welcome Adams Makope to the DEKK Rubber Tracks & Pads Sales Team. Here's a brief snap shot of who Adams is …
DEKK Exhibiting at the Diesel, Dirt & Turf Expo

New Rubber Pad Brochures Now Available
We have released our newly updated DEKK Rubber Pad Technical Specification brochures for all your technical info on…
60% Off Rubber Pads Sale*

DEKK is running a 60% Off Sale on a select range of
Congratulations to the Winner of the Yamaha Bike Promotion
After nearly 8 months and over 1000 entries into the draw for the Win a Yamaha Motorcycle Promotion, the motorcycle (worth over $11,500) was…
What rubber track tread pattern do I need on my skid steer?

What rubber track tread pattern do I…
Spend $500 during October for a Free DEKK Pen

We've got a great new promotion during the month of Oct…
Natural vs Synthetic Rubber in Rubber Tracks and Pads

Rubber Track Treads

Win a Yamaha Motorcycle Promotion Has Ended

The popular "Win a Yamaha Motorcycle" Promotion will be ending soon, so you'll need to be quick and pur…
DEKK Rubber Pads for Earthmoving and Construction Machines