DEKK Hercules Track

We found that across the market, our own, OEM and competitors tracks, the most common cause of failure in block pat…
Track Removal Tool - Special Offer

Our solution reduces physical strain and labor, ensuring easy track removal with full retraction of the track adjus…
Responsible Disposal Program

At DEKK, we recognise and care about the environmental impact of track disposals on Australia’s landfills. Throug…
Joint venture wins M12 contract

The NSW Government has selected a CPB Contractors and Georgiou Group joint venture to deliver the western secti…
Preferred route selected for Australia’s longest road tunnel

The New South Wales Government has selected the 11-kilometer toll-free tunnel from Blackheath to Little Hartley…
WA Gov announces record infrastructure investment in 2022-23 budget

The Western Australian Government has continued its strong focus on infrastructure in its 2022-23 state budget,…

Every year, the Earth yields billions of tons of natural resources and at some point, in the not too distant fu…
12 Top-Rated Fishing Destinations in Australia

Australia is legendary for its fantastic fishing. Thousands of kilometers of fish-rich coastline rim the countr…
DEKK Rubber Track & Pad Recycling Program

An ongoing problem faced by tracked machine operators has been what to do with their used rubber tracks and …
We have the solution for excavator tracks squeaking

First look at the Melbourne Airport Rail design

NSW increases road freight access in flood-impacted regions

Higher priority vehicles are now getting increased access on the NSW road network to ensure freight operators c…