Rubber pads are an essential feature of your earth moving machinery and maintaining them properly will ensure their longevity. Replacing them can often be costly, but these are costs that can be easily avoided through efficient maintenance. Below, we discuss how to increase the life of your rubber pads, the types or rubber pads that last longer and how selecting the right rubber pad and maintaining it will save you costs in the long term.
Making your Rubber Pads last longer
When maintained properly, Dekk Rubber Pads will experience a longer life and will ensure improved machine performance. In saying this, there are a number of tasks you that should be considered to help your rubber pads last longer. Firstly, simply cleaning your machine after use can be vital to the performance and, eventually, the life of your rubber pads. You should also ensure that the bolts are fastened to the correct tension. This ensures that the rubber pads don’t create movement, which otherwise wears the track plate or chain on the undercarriage.
Using the right rubber pads for the right task can be critical in maintaining your rubber pads. There are several types of rubber pads and it is important that you remain informed about which is right for what you are doing.
For example, rubber pads are usually used for road and asphalt, but sand can also cause the rubber pads to delaminate unless you are using the correct type which, in this situation, would be our Bolt-on rubber pads with our latest sand-hole design. Another example is our Chain-on rubber pads, which are ideal for working on rail lines because the metal plate isn’t exposed, therefore will not cause any damage to the rail line.
Types of Rubber Pads that last longer
If you use the right rubber pads in the ways in which they were intended, each unique type will have an increased lifetime. Our bolt-on rubber pads have a rubber top on a steel backing plate with threaded bolts through the backing plate and onto the grouser, which makes it a very sturdy pad. They are best used for roadworks and are useful on sand.
On the other hand, our chain-on rubber pads are ideal for rail lines, but are very versatile and can be used anywhere. The rubber pads are bolted straight onto the chain of the machine and have a steel plate with reinforced steel, which gives them added strength. This strength ensures their longevity and reliability.
Finally, clip-on rubber pads have a steel backing plate with rubber volumised to the top. Their threaded steel tube runs through the length of the rubber pad for the clips to bolt onto, which stabilises them. These heavy-duty rubber pads are suitable for rougher terrain and larger machines.
Selecting sturdy and reliable rubber pads and effectively maintaining them will help you avoid the unnecessary costs associated with replacing rubber faulty pads. Using the right rubber pad for the right situation will increase their life expectancy and save costs long term.